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Prayer247 Testimony

My son Nathan has been battling mental illness for approximately 4years. The cry’s from my heart to the father and the prayers of the saints in this church have been answered. He has been out of the hospital for over 4 months now (longest time in 4 years). He has attended church consistently (CR and 10:30 service) in those 4 months. He will soon be living on his own with support from health and human services. I am believing for this to continue as the Holy Spirit strengthens him as a new creation in Christ!! Thank you church and Pastors and my personal prayer warriors!!!

by Joanne Wong, 01/13/24

Deb was blessed with a job at an elementary school in Austin Texas. Thank you for the prayer support! It is felt deeply.
Also, Kathy from Arizona who has lung cancer is getting better. Her cancer has shrunk by 1/3. Praise you Jesus. Again, the power of the saints is immeasurable. Deb

by Deb, 10/05/22

“Thank you Lord for saving me from death, praying for healing after right hand surgery. Also praying for wheeler Michel for healing. Thank you Lord “

by Marie Saintvil, submitted 07/17/22

“I wanted to share the other part of my testimony. Like I mentioned in the first meeting after few years in my marriage I had some up and downs with my husband and I created a wall to avoid any hurts or disappointments. After starting the Daily Devotionals and my Prayer commitment I experienced how God turn down that wall and draw me closer to Him, ( Ezekiel 36:26) and here is the second part… we know that the enemy is a liar and a thief he want to make us doubt and fear… But Jesus came to give a new life and peace (John 16:33) later that week after I share the testimony, the enemy tried to make me feel like I was confuse and Jesus was not on my side, I felt like Peter when he was walking toward Jesus in the water, that he got a hint of doubt and started to sink, but at that moment when I felt that sadness was trying to sink me down I remember the scripture when God told Joshua I AM with you I will not leave you …(Joshua 1:5) I praise the Lord All Mighty, and My Faithful and Loving Savior bcs He doesn’t do things half way or incomplete, He make me All New for His Glory…Amen Amen!!! I learned that being in community with the Devotional group and the prayers keep my mind meditating in the verses and scripture we share every day, and make me more and more hungry for His word. ( if I can use that term). God Bless”

by Garitza, submitted 03/31/22