Calvary Theater


We would love for you to join the Calvary Theater family and serve with us to bring the hope of Jesus Christ to thousands this Easter season. We’re looking for actors, singers, set builders, stage crew, seamstresses, and ANYONE willing to serve. We truly have a spot for everyone! We are especially in need of […]

Married Life Conference

150 Sanctuary

Join us as we re-launch our marriage ministry at our annual CALVARY MARRIED LIFE CONFERENCE on Saturday, February 11! This year we will explore the idea of RHYTHMS. We all follow rhythms in our lives, marriages, families, workplaces, and more. What will the rhythm be for your marriage this year? Enjoy some time with your […]

Women’s Spring Conference

150 Sanctuary

Join us for the 2023 Women's "RELATE" Spring Conference at Calvary. We will focus on relating to Christ and relating to one another as Hebrews 10 tells us: "...let us consider how to stir one another up in love...assembling together..exhorting one another in faith, and so much the more as you see the Day approaching" […]


The Promise

150 Sanctuary

On the eve of getting a new sibling, two sisters’ journey back in time as their grandpa reveals the powerful story of Jesus. What did Jesus coming as a baby have to do with them? Join us as we find out together in Calvary Theater’s “The Promise,” featuring live animals, special effects, and gripping musical […]


The Promise

150 Sanctuary

On the eve of getting a new sibling, two sisters’ journey back in time as their grandpa reveals the powerful story of Jesus. What did Jesus coming as a baby have to do with them? Join us as we find out together and witness the life of Jesus and his disciples unfold right before our […]