SAM Christmas Party

Calvary Christian Church 47 Grove Street, Lynnfield, MA, United States

Please join us on December 17 at 5:30PM for our Single Adult Ministry Christmas Celebration. We will enjoy a delicious, catered meal, sing Christmas Carols, snap pictures with props in a photo booth, and have an overall jolly good time! Join us for great food, good fellowship, and fun. Tickets are $15.00 in advance and […]

Noche entre amigos volúmen II

Calvary Christian Church 47 Grove Street, Lynnfield, MA, United States

Una noche de adoración entre amigos, adorando y exaltando a nuestro Rey, celebrando en nuestro idioma junto a grupos de adoración invitados. Join us for a night of worship on December 17 at 7:00PM among friends, worshipping and exalting our King, celebrating in our language with different worship groups. Please direct questions and inquiries to Pastor Antonio […]

Christmas Memorial Garden

Calvary Christian Church 47 Grove Street, Lynnfield, MA, United States

As we enter the Christmas season, we recognize there are many who are remembering and missing loved ones who have passed. On Sunday, December 18, we will be remembering them in our Christmas Memorial Garden. If you would like to purchase a Christmas flower in remembrance of them, please fill out the following form, by Monday, […]


Christmas Eve Candlelight Communion Service

150 Sanctuary

CHRISTMAS EVE CANDLELIGHT COMMUNION SERVICE Join us in-person or online on Christmas Eve, December 24, at 6:00PM for our annual candlelight and communion service. We look forward to celebrating the […]

Christmas Eve Candlelight Service and Christmas Day Service

150 Sanctuary

Please make plans to join us for our annual Christmas Eve Candlelight Service at 6:00PM on Saturday, December 24. We will be having one service on Christmas Day, Sunday, December 25 at 10:00AM. Our Hispanic Ministry will also be having service on Saturday, December 24 at 6:00PM and Sunday, December 25 at 10:00AM.

Servicio de Navidad

Prayer Chapel & Online

Unete a nosotros para nuestro servicio de Navidad en la capilla de oración - todos están bienvenidas. No es necesario registrarse

New Year’s Eve Prayer Service

MPR (Multi Purpse Room) 47 Grove Street, Lynnfield, MA, United States

The New Eve Year’s Prayer Service is a celebration to welcome the new year in God’s presence.  We will join in prayer, worship, celebrate water baptisms, and rejoice over the faithfulness of God. The dinner portion will begin on Saturday, December 31 at 8:00PM in the MPR with food and drinks, followed by the 10:00PM […]

Women’s Ministry Spring Conference

031 Multipurpose Room (MPR)

Ladies, it's almost spring, which means we’ll be gathering for our Women's Weekend 2024 at Calvary on Saturday, March 09 at 9:30AM! This year, our theme is CAPTIVATED, which describes something that attracts us, holding our interest and attention. The love of Jesus will compel us to live differently when we have been captivated by […]